25 October 202266% of hongkongers have poor work-life balance due to excessive workload and overtime: reimagine work white paper 2022.employer brandemployee experienceinfographicsrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportswork-life balance
10 October 2022global technology report 2022: employer brand research.workforce trendsemployee experienceemployee retentioninfographicsIT industryrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportswork-life balance
06 October 202245% of gen Z use google to look for new jobs: 2022 employer brand research.employer branddigital transformationinfographicsjob market trendsrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportstalent acquisition
19 September 20222022 global life sciences and engineering industry outlook: employer brand research.workforce trendsemployee retentionengineering industrylife sciences industryrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reports
08 September 2022suite brew: how swire properties - the most attractive employer in hong kong - attracts and retains their top talent. employer brandemployee experienceemployee retentionhuman resources industryrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportstop companies to work for
29 August 202229% of hongkongers quit jobs due to lack of work flexibility: workmonitor survey.workforce trendsemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionresearch and reportswork-life balance
15 August 202245% of hongkongers would rather be unemployed than feel unhappy in their jobs: workmonitor.workforce trendsemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentioninfographicsjob market trendsresearch and reportstalent acquisition
20 June 2022swire properties wins the most attractive employer in hong kong 2022.employer brandrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportstop companies to work for
23 May 2022work-life balance is more important than salary to hongkongers: employer brand research 2022.employer brandemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionjob market trendsrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportswork-life balance
12 May 2022top 20 companies in hong kong 2022: employer brand research.employer brandemployee experiencerandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportstop companies to work forwork-life balance