06 February 20252025 job and salary updates in luxury and retail.hr techworkforce trendsjob market trendsretail industrysalary benchmarks
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18 March 2022money matters — investing in employees’ financial well-being.employer brandaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industryCOVID-19employee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionhuman resources industryinfographicsinsurance industryjob market trendsretail industrywork-life balance
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20 January 2020contracting: a long-term solution to skills-shortage and tightening budgets.workforce trendsconstruction industryemployee retentionengineering industryIT industryjob market trendslife sciences industrymanufacturing industryproperty industryresearch and reportsretail industrysalary benchmarkstalent acquisition
17 January 20192019 retail market outlook.workforce trendsresearch and reportsretail industrysalary benchmarkstalent acquisition
14 December 2018employment and salary trends: hong kong SAR 2019workforce trendsaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industryconstruction industrycontractingengineering industryhuman resources industryinsurance industryIT industrylife sciences industryproperty industryresearch and reportsretail industrysalary benchmarkssales and marketing sectorsupply chain and logistics industrytalent acquisition
20 January 2016H1 2016 market outlook: luxury, retail & consumer.workforce trendsresearch and reportsretail industry