08 October 2020how will artificial intelligence affect your talent acquisition strategy?talent managementworkforce trendsHR technologydigital transformationtalent acquisition
07 September 2020white paper: skills and jobs of the future.HR technologytalent managementworkforce trendsCOVID-19digital transformationemployee experienceleadership and managementlearning and developmentresearch and reportstalent acquisition
26 August 2020blue suite: hong kong manufacturing and supply chain market update 2020.workforce trendsblue suiteCOVID-19digital transformationemployee retentionleadership and managementmanufacturing industrysupply chain and logistics industrytalent acquisition
06 August 2020employer brand research: 2020 global financial services industry report.talent managementworkforce trendsemployer brandbanking and financial services industryCOVID-19employee experienceemployee retentionrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportstalent acquisition
06 August 2020employer brand research: 2020 global life sciences industry report.talent managementworkforce trendsemployer brandCOVID-19employee experienceemployee retentionlife sciences industryrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportstalent acquisitiontop companies to work for
06 August 2020employer brand research: 2020 global IT industry report.talent managementworkforce trendsemployer brandCOVID-19digital transformationemployee experienceemployee retentionemployment lawIT industrylearning and developmentrandstad employer brand researchresearch and reportstalent acquisition
30 July 2020blue suite: hong kong tech market and talent trends 2020.workforce trendsblue suiteCOVID-19digital transformation
13 July 2020an integrated workforce is the future of work.talent managementworkforce trendscontractingdigital transformationemployee benefitsemployee experienceinfographicsleadership and managementtalent acquisition
01 July 2020health and safety checklists designed for you.workforce trendsCOVID-19employee experienceemployee retentionleadership and management