01 June 2020blue suite: technology sales & marketing market trends.workforce trendsblue suitedigital transformationretail industrysales and marketing sectortalent acquisition
13 May 2020benefits of hiring a professional contractor.workforce trendstalent managementcandidate experienceinfographicsjob market trendstalent acquisition
28 April 2020blue suite: hong kong’s banking and financial services market update 2020.workforce trendsbanking and financial services industryblue suitejob market trendstalent acquisition
14 April 20203 in 4 mature workers respond to work emails and calls immediately after office hours.workforce trendsemployee experienceresearch and reportswork-life balance
07 April 2020an employer’s guide to managing COVID-19.talent managementworkforce trendsCOVID-19employee experienceemployee retentionleadership and managementresearch and reportstalent acquisition
07 April 2020minimising the spread of COVID-19.talent managementworkforce trendsCOVID-19employee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionleadership and managementresearch and reports
07 April 2020best practices to manage remote workers.talent managementworkforce trendsCOVID-19digital transformationemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionleadership and managementresearch and reports
09 March 202063% are still hiring talent despite anticipated impact of COVID-19.workforce trendsemployee experienceemployee retentioninfographicsresearch and reportstalent acquisition
18 February 202069% expect hong kong sar’s economy to deteriorate in 2020.talent managementworkforce trendsemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionjob market trendsresearch and reports
20 January 2020digitalisation will change the nature of human resources in 2020.workforce trendsdigital transformationemployee retentionhuman resources industryjob market trendsresearch and reportssalary benchmarkstalent acquisition