15 September 2022how to navigate talent shortage in hong kong’s banking and finance industry: webinar.workforce trendsbanking and financial services industryrandstad employer brand researchtalent acquisition
06 September 2022is a four-day workweek the new normal for employees?workforce trendsCOVID-19employee benefitsemployee experienceinfographicswork-life balance
01 September 2022work-life balance is the key to improving your talent attraction strategy: webinar. workforce trendsemployee experienceemployee retentiontalent acquisitionwork-life balance
29 August 202229% of hongkongers quit jobs due to lack of work flexibility: workmonitor survey.workforce trendsemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionresearch and reportswork-life balance
15 August 202245% of hongkongers would rather be unemployed than feel unhappy in their jobs: workmonitor.workforce trendsemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentioninfographicsjob market trendsresearch and reportstalent acquisition
03 August 2022new employee benefits to offer for hybrid workers.workforce trendsemployee benefitsemployee retentioninfographicsjob market trendsleadership and managementtalent acquisitiontop companies to work forwork-life balance
29 July 2022blue suite: talent trends in greater china’s fintech industry.workforce trendsblue suiteIT industryjob market trendsleadership and managementtalent acquisition
13 July 20223 ways to optimise and streamline your interview process.workforce trendscandidate experienceinfographicslearning and developmentperformance managementtalent acquisition
04 July 2022workplace diversity and inclusion: why it matters and how you can promote it.workforce trendsdiversity and inclusionemployee experienceemployee retentioninfographicsjob market trendsleadership and managementtalent acquisition
27 June 2022blue suite: greater bay area - the next generation of talent and innovation in asia. workforce trendsblue suitecandidate experiencediversity and inclusionemployee experienceinfographicsjob market trendsleadership and managementlearning and developmenttalent acquisition